Field-induced Hydrodynamic Instability | |
Writer : Dongho( : 2023-05-25View : 1144 | |
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Hydrodynamic flows are sometimes stable but often unstable. This lies in an inherent stability to sustain flows against small perturbations. Such stability problem expands to electrically conducting fluids in electric fields. Coupling the basic concepts in continuum electromechanics and hydrodynamic stability, this electrohydrodynamic (EHD) instability in those systems. Recently, a new example of EHD stability was uncovered on ion exchange membranes, i.e., electroconvection (EC). Selective ion flux through the membranes drives the strong depletion of co-ions, generating unstable charge separation layers and vortical flows. We are interested in the underlying physics of this field-induced hydrodynamic instability (i.e., EC) and their board applications in desalination, flow battery, water electrolysis. By leveraging fundamental understanding along with novel flow visualization techniques, we can significantly enhance EC controllability for high-efficient desalination, water electrolyzer, and dendrite control in flow batteries.
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